Day by Day

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At one point this winter, we'd both started to accept that this would never happen - that I'd never be able to get pregnant again and that we'd have to accept and live with the fact that we'd be a childless couple. Then, I got pregnant after nearly 3 years of heartbreak. 3 losses - 2 d&c's - a broken uterus - more surgery. It just happened and we couldn't be more grateful.

I've been holding off on creating a blog to document this journey because truly I was terrified it wouldn't work out. This pregnancy has been scary but as the days pass I become more confident in my desire to document every step - regardless of the outcome.

We're very much aware that with my cervical issues we are nowhere near safe and that ultimately we'll never be safe. But, I've got an incredible team of doctor treating me with the best care possible and we're grateful and hopeful that in the end we'll be fortunate enough to bring home our rainbow.
Today, I am 9w6days pregnant. There's one beautiful baby growing in my uterus. There's a strong heartbeat chugging away and the babe isn't shy to let his momma check in on him everyday.

In about 2 weeks my cerclage gets placed. After that, I'll be bed rested until the stitch is removed.
The countdown is on and some days I cannot believe we are here.



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